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Oh man… training camp. I literally could write a book about everything that happened at training camp, but I’m not going to do that, haha! I guess I’ll just jump right into telling y’all all about my honest experiences at training camp.

So, when I first got to training camp, I wasn’t the happiest of campers. I was actually a little bit annoyed that I was there. This had nothing to do with actual training camp but everything to do with the weather. A little back story for those of you who don’t know, I recently just finished a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. When I was on trail I discovered my strong disliking of rain, hiking in rain, being wet because of the rain, having soggy wet gear and my least favorite thing of all… setting up & taking down a tent in the rain. With that being said, I’m sure you can guess what I was about to do that first night. Yep, you guessed it, I was setting my tent up in pouring rain, as well as in the dark. Haha, what was going through my brain was “as if I didn’t just do this for 6 months *eye roll*”. But what I experienced next was what changed everything for me. I was instantly being bombarded (honestly I was a little overwhelmed) with brothers and sisters I hadn’t even talked to in person yet, asking me if I needed help setting my tent up. I said no to the first few people (because I was being stubborn) but they didn’t take no for an answer. The next thing I knew there were literally like 7 people helping me set up my tent! I was so touched by these sweet sibs that I forgot all about the annoying rain and my bad attitude faded away. I laid in my tent that night and listened to the laughter and late night conversations coming from all the tents around me and felt so at peace. The unity in this group was already there and you could so feel it. I couldn’t wait to see these people in the day light the next morning and actually get to meet them, haha! 

The rest of training camp was pretty much a blur to be completely honest. It was a week that felt like a month but somehow went by in the blink of an eye. The soggy gear, stinky feet, cold bucket showers and constipation (lol) quickly faded into the background. Those things are not what I remember most about training camp. What I seem to remember most and mentally go back to often is the community. This community was full of intentionality, love and support. Yes, there are about 50 of us total, but we also managed to become family during this short time together. There was so much growth and openness and vulnerability that went into shaping this family and it was so much fun to witness. Many of us experienced true freedom in the Lord, chains were broken, walls were torn down and praises were shouted from the depths of each persons heart and soul. There was crying, lots of laughing, singing, talking, and learning during this week. We sat through many sessions together, worshipped… like really worshipped together, ate meals together and experienced life changing moments together. We got to watch 4 of our sisters get baptized and man IT WAS SO AMAZING!! All of these moments were experience together as a squad and the support from each person was literally overflowing. These brothers and sisters of mine, the community I get to do life with for the next year are seriously so special. They really are some of the most amazing people I have ever met and I can’t wait to learn from each of them this next year.
We had so many opportunities to grow and learn during training camp. The sessions we went to daily were led by some of the most God fearing, humble, loving, life surrendered people I’ve ever met. They taught us on so many great topics and answered all of our questions above and beyond. Some of the topics we got to cover during these sessions were our identity in Christ (who we really are), The Trinity, how to give and receive good feedback, contextualization (presenting the Gospel in a culturally relevant way), the importance of storytelling (because Jesus was a storyteller) and so much more! The speakers did a great job at teaching us and allowing room for questions and conversation. Also, these sessions were so interesting and so good! I loved listening to these amazing individuals tell their stories and teach us about topics they’re so passionate about. 
Another thing I saw at training camp that I believe is SO important to talk about is my squads CONFIDENCE. Confidence is such a cool thing because it can change for a person depending on a certain situation or what their circumstances are. There were several times my squad overcame fear of failure or judgement and walked out in bold confidence. Whether that was a spontaneous word from God that was needed to be preached, overcoming the physical challenges of the fitness hike, admitting to and/or sharing struggles, praying in front of a large group, being vulnerable, etc. I witnessed my squamates step out in boldness and confidence all week doing these things plus sooo much more! This confidence grew as the week went on and seeing the joy and happiness from each, bold individual was amazing. After being confident enough to open up and do something bold, even if you’re nervous… it feels so freeing. Sometimes it’s that small step of faith that leads to a giant leap of faith. My squad is also so lucky to have a supportive and encouraging leadership team (squad leaders, coaches, mentors). Our leaders made us so comfortable and encouraged us to step outside our comfort zone, all week. The confidence this squad grew in couldn’t have happened without our leaders’ support and the amazing examples of confidence they demonstrated for us! I’m so excited to see how the Lord uses this squad around the world. The confidence we have in our Father and in ourselves as His children is ground breaking. The Lord is going to use this community for so much GOOD. Our “yes” is so loud!! I can not wait to see what this next year is going to be like and all the life changing moments the Lord will provide for us. 
Ahhh I literally CAN’T contain my excitement! Y’ALL! The Lord is so good and so exciting!! 
Also, I planned to post this on like Tuesday but I am so glad I didn’t because now I can share some news with y’all right here on this blog post! My squad got an EXCITING announcement/update on Wednesday, this week! That announcement is that we got the “okay” to launch international on JANUARY 12TH!! LETS GOOOOOO! H-Squad is PUMPED and we can’t wait until January! 🙂
Well that is all for now. I hope everyone is doing amazing and if you have any prayer requests I would love to pray for you so please reach out! Also, I would love to talk to anybody who has questions for me about the Race, how you can partner with me on this journey or if you just want to talk in general (I love talking, haha)! Feel free to reach out to me on social media, by email, text or give me a call! I’d love to hear from you!
much love,
Bri, Brianne, Billie (what ever name you know me as <3) 

8 responses to “Nitty Gritty Goodness”

  1. I love how Father used the cover of rain to sneak in and overwhelm you with His love and peace!
    Can’t wait to see what He has up his sleeve next!!!

  2. Ahh Katelyn! I’m so excited to be on a squad with you too!! I can’t wait until launch and to be back with our community!! It’ll be here so soon!

  3. He is so cool! I can’t wait to see what He has up His sleeve next too! It will be so good!!

  4. This blog makes my heart so happy! I am so glad you are part of our squad and I can’t wait to launch with you!!