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Heyyyyy everyone! Happy (one day early) Thanksgiving!

haha it’s so funny how God works sometimes. Like tomorrow is Thanksgiving and what He’s been teaching me this week goes right along with that theme. Thankfulness.

So… tomorrow… Thanksgiving! It’s a fun holiday that we get to celebrate here in America. We celebrate with good food, football, family and friends (a bunch of “f” words (hehe sorry I had to)). Most people will also take the time to say what they are thankful for. But what about the rest of the year?

God asked me that question today. This week He’s been teaching me about having a heart of thankfulness and giving him thanks for everything. Staying in constant communication with Him and having gratitude. Sometimes we run into hard times and struggles. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t thank God for them. Let me tell ya, it’s definitely easier said than done but it’s okay because it’s a process…. and processes are good.  

Being thankful and being in constant communication with God is where the cool stuff happens. It’s more than just saying thank you. It’s the communication. When we are in communication with God it allows our heart and minds to be open to Him. In this openness is where He will invade our lives with so much goodness.  

So even in hard times, thanking God for those moments will only lead to a better relationship with Him. God will remain first in all situations and so much peace and comfort and clarity comes from that.


Tomorrow is a great time for giving thanks! I want to challenge you to stay in constant gratitude and communication with The Lord. If your turkey burns, pies get ruined or you can’t spend the day just the way you want to because of covid… thank God for those moments. It’s the hard ones that bring the most joy and freedom. God’s there for you always and He wants to communicate with you. 🙂

Thanks for reading this far! I sure am thankful for y’all!




One response to “More Than Giving Thanks”

  1. Yes, we are thankful!!
    Thankful for all Father has done, for His goodness and love!
    Thankful for HizSquad, and for you!